Why machine learning now?

Well, last year I thought it was the block chain technology which is going to dominate in future but soon I realized that it is the Machine Learning and it's sub branch deep learning.

Why Machine Learning Now

Why it is so important?

Have you heard about the Google's Self driving cars, it's the future. It's not just car, trucks, or any vehicle which will pickup something from source and deliver at the destination without any manual intervention. Humans can track or monitor it. Uber, Lyft they all will be in loss, once the self driving cars are out.

How those are working, In simple terms Machine Learning, how to drive. It identifies the signals, it identifies the crossing paths, animals, humans, and most importantly the difference.

Is there anything else which is live?

Yes all the smart speakers (Siri, Cortana, Alexa, Google assistant), all of them uses the Machine learning. It learns the routine.

Have you ever used YouTube Autoplay?
Have you ever wondered why YouTube/Netflix/Amazon recommends a video?
Have you ever seen a book or a thing you may buy in next week or month or so, is recommended to you?
Your loan application result also determined by the same concept.

Not only these and many more in our life is now uses this technology. It's never late to learn a technology. Better late than never. Welcome to the world of Machine Learning. Let's continue with python programming basics. 

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