Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence is one of the domains which is going to rule the IT field for at least some decades from now on, it could be in various forms Machine Learning, Deep Learning or whatever.

Artificial Intelligence vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning

Machine Learning

Recently started taking various courses related to machine learning, most of them explains in a very complicated way or at least complicated to me to understand whatever they are trying to convey.

I found lot of free courses and paid courses for the same. Finally I understood what they tried to explain. Let me try to put it in a simple way.

This is my scribbles based on my understanding, it may not be true!

Before learning about I think it is always good to learn the basics about mathematics (yes, the same maths :( ), refresh the hands-on over python (Not the snake, its the programming language) along with various packages (or libraries or tools or whatever) like Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, matplotlib, pillow and others as required.

I saw lot of people uses different set of tools, languages, for their tasks. I tried using C, C++ , Matlab (yes you can perform machine in almost any language you are comfortable with) but I felt easy with the following options.

1. Windows 10 OS [was Available for free, you can even use Windows 7]
2. Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (Yes, its working with 2017 as well) [Community Edition is free] [Alternatively you can use Visual Code as well]
3. Python and its packages [Easy to write code (very less numbers), good for beginners and its free]

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